Memry.AI Privacy Policy



Memry.AI is committed to protecting the privacy of your data. This Privacy Policy explains what information Memry.AI collects, uses, and discloses about you when you access or use our websites and applications, which we refer to collectively as the Memry.AI Service (defined in our Glossary at the end of this document), contact our customer service team, engage with us on social media, or otherwise interact with us.


Although significant changes are rare, this policy may be amended as new features, technology, or legal requirements arise, so please check back from time to time. We’ll notify you if we make a significant change and, where required, seek your consent.



What information does Memry.AI collect?

Memry.AI allows you to input, upload, or store in the Memry.AI Service any text, images, and other data that you choose—we refer to that information as “Content”. We also collect and receive the following types of information:



Basic subscriber information.

To open your account and process payments, we collect and receive identifiers like your email address and, depending on how you purchase a subscription to a Paid Service, your billing address and other payment information.


Your Information.

Being a memory app, Memry.AI naturally keeps your actual notes data e.g. webpages, notes, files, etc. that you store in it.


Usage data.

We collect and log Internet or other electronic network information on how you and others access and use Memry.AI, for example, the act of creating a note or sharing a note. Usage data may be collected through cookies, and similar technologies.


Location information.

We collect the IP address you use to connect to the Memry.AI Service and — if you choose to share it — your location information from a mobile device.


Device information.

We collect information about the number and type of devices you use to connect to the Memry.AI Service, as well as information about the operating systems on those devices (e.g., iOS, Android, Windows). For example, when you install, modify, or use a Memry.AI application we may collect personal information in order for our services to function properly, such as your device’s unique hardware identifiers (IMEI, SIM number, or other identifier). When you install, modify, or use a Memry.AI application, you may see permission requests or alerts regarding the device capabilities the application could potentially use.


We also may link your subscriber information with data we receive from our partners and other third parties to help understand your needs and provide you with a better experience. For example, if you create or log into a Memry.AI account using your Google Apps credentials via single sign-on, we will have access to certain information such as your name and email address as authorized in your Google Apps profile settings.



How does Memry.AI use my information?

We have specific rules for how and when we use the information we collect and receive. We are committed to protecting the privacy of your information. We use the information we collect and receive to provide, maintain, and improve the Memry.AI Service; to provide troubleshooting and customer support; to protect the Memry.AI Service for all our users; to contact you; and to administer Memry.AI accounts.



Performing our Services.

We use a number of technologies to help you get the most out of the Memry.AI Service. Our systems automatically analyze your data to power Memry.AI features and to continually improve the Memry.AI Service for you in a way that does not usually require anyone to look at your Content. This may include, for example:


  • Making sure you find what you’re looking for when you search your account.
  • Showing you information most relevant to how you are or could be using the Memry.AI Service at a specific time or location.
  • Suggesting actions for you to take based on information you’ve stored.
  • Suggesting Memry.AI Service features or products to you that we think will help you get the most out of the Memry.AI Service.


However, as part of system development your data may be viewed by authorized employees, for the sole purpose of system improvement.



Maintaining our Services.

To provide troubleshooting and customer support, our Customer Support team may need to access your information, such as your account email address and information about the Memry.AI application you are using, subject to the protections described below.



Protecting against security threats, abuse, and illegal activity.

As part of our efforts to protect your account and the functionality of the Memry.AI Service, our systems may analyze the emails you send to and from your Memry.AI account and the notes you share to detect spam, malware, or other potential security concerns. If we determine that such material constitutes a Terms of Service or User Guidelines violation, we may block delivery of or unshare the problematic material, much like a spam filter works for your email inbox.




Communicating with you.

In accordance with your communication preferences, we’ll occasionally contact you to announce new products and features we build for you, share tips for using Memry.AI to get more done, make special offers, and provide information about how Memry.AI works with products and services from our business partners.




Complying with Law.

Memry.AI also uses information to satisfy applicable laws or regulations, and discloses information in response to legal process or enforceable government requests, including to law enforcement.